Roll Call of Victims of Black on White Violence in SA! Crimes Which Mainstream Media Ignore Globally!

#WhiteLivesDoNotMatter - A white guy was attacked from behind

Whites Being Brutally Murdered Allegedly for Phones While BLM & Left Wing Establishment Ignore it, Demanding the Shrinking White Minority Kneel!

#WhiteVictimsMatter - People prefer to hear "nice" lies rather

Ramaphosa Cares More For Vicious Farm Attackers Than For Their Victims! Farm Attacker & Kidnapper Released with 19,000 Prisoners!

Ramaphosa told Bloomberg News in New York in 2018

Roll Call For Victims of The South African Genocide for October & November. Exposed to harm through deliberate negligence by an anti-white regime & complicit mass media!

Here is the factual information for October and November