Racist NPA! Black Taxi Driver who Killed White Father & Son NOT Charged yet Whites are Charged Without Bail for far Less!

Double standards at the NPA are institutional as it

5 Brutal Murders in 3 Farm Attacks in The Week The Battle of Blood River Vow is Commemorated!

A Hundred and Eighty Two Years after the Famous

VIDEO: Land Grabber by Day and Farm Murderer by Night? Land Occupier (Zimbabwean?) Threatens Farmer They Will Kill Him!

We wonder how many farm murders would be solved

#BlackWar: SA Swamp is Rigging & Facilitating Black Violence Aimed at Decimating & Assimilating Conservative Minorities – Just Like BLM!

Society Captured: South Africa's civil service and establishment, including

Blood Soaked Floors & Walls in Suburbia is NOT “Normal Crime”! ANC Regime & Liberal’s Malicious Negligence Puts Target on Back of ALL Whites!


Zimbabwe Forced To Pay $3.5 Billion Compensation To White Farmers Mugabe Evicted! Has To Borrow The Money on International Bond Markets!

Ramaphosa Thinks He is Cleverer Than

ANC Regime Misuses #COVID19 To Expose Farmers To Harm, Attacks & Stock Theft by Banning Farm Patrols in Remote Rural Areas! Deliberate?

#CCPvirus: South African farmers are now at the mercy

ANC Regime Misuses #COVID19 To Expose Farmers To Harm, Attacks & Stock Theft by Banning Farm Patrols in Remote Rural Areas! Deliberate?

#CCPvirus: South African farmers are now at the mercy