VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Genocidal Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!


Master Becomes Slave: Why is it Necessary for South Africa (RSA) to be Divided into Two Parts? The Two State Solution

The Cape Is Still Afrikaans, But For How Long?

VIDEO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Asks South Africa To Stop Cuba’s Human Trafficking of Cuban Medical Workers & to Pay Them Directly!

In a scathing indictment of the ANC regimes communist

How Much Has ANC Paid Cuban Medics? Cuban Dictatorship Keeps Most of Doctor’s Earnings, Making TWICE as Much from Sending Medics Abroad than from Tourism in 2018!

Follow The Money: The Wall Street Journal labelled Cuba's

VIDEO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Asks South Africa To Stop Cuba’s Human Trafficking of Cuban Medical Workers & to Pay Them Directly!

In a scathing indictment of the ANC regimes communist

Who Controls the Media and ‘Opposition’ Parties in South Africa? May we introduce to you the Jewish Billionaire who runs the show

Some might call Nathan Kirsh the ‘George Soros of